Saturday, May 3, 2014

CLOJUG - March and April 2014: JavaFx and Java 8 Tour

Hello all! This is a small update about what we did at the Cali (CLO) Java User Group - CLOJUG during March and April 2014.

On March, we run our regular meeting on 15-MAR-2014 at Universidad Icesi. We had the opportunity to learn about JavaFx from +Steven Lizarazo who has been speaker at JavaOne Brazil and JavaOne San Francisco. He introduced us to this technology which is useful for building rich client applications using Java. At first we had some issues with the WiFi connection, but at the end it worked.
The hangout can be found at (in spanish):

During the same meeting we introduced our attendees to some Java 8 features and they got really excited about what's coming with Java 8. This was a glimpse of what was coming on April at CLOJUG, the Java 8 Tour. Following are some pictures of the event:

Java 8 Tour
On April we had our Java 8 Tour, where Evangelists and Java Champions are visiting different Java Users Groups around the globe in order to give presentations and hands on labs about Java 8. We had Angela Caicedo on site speaking about the new features of Java 8 and Java embedded. The HOL was called: "Internet-of-Things Hackerspace", where attendees had the opportunity to interact with several Raspberry Pi that Angela brought for the HOL.

Attendees really enjoyed Angela's presentation and were excited about Java Embedded and the Raspberry Pi. Some of them are now participating in the IoT Developer Challenge for a complete trip to JavaOne 2014!

We, at CLOJUG, are very thankful of being the only Java User Group in Colombia that was part of the Java 8 Tour, which shows that we are the most active JUG in Colombia!

Here are some pictures of this event:

Stay tuned for our events and if you live in Cali-Colombia, come to our meetings and become a member of our great community!

see ya!