Friday, May 31, 2013

CLOJUG - May 2013

Hello all! This is a small update about what we did at the Cali (CLO) Java User Group - CLOJUG during May 2013.

This month we had our regular meeting on May 25th 2013 at Icesi University. I presented the talk that I sent to JavaOne San Francisco 2013 (at the time of writing, notifications of accepted talks haven't been sent yet). The title of the presentation is: ADF Essentials + Glassfish Server = Enterprise Apps Free2Develop Free2Deploy. I wanted to show our jug members the way we can use ADF Essentials to develop modular, enterprise-like Web applications using this framework which, since September 2012, is free to develop using JDeveloper and free to deploy on Glassfish server.

We also run a giveaway sponsored by Packt Publishing where we gave the following recommended eBook to three lucky attendees:

Here are some pictures of this event:

The presentation went pretty well, the attendees liked what they saw, but we didn't have enough time to finish the demo. There are some things to improve and I'm glad I presented this at our local meeting before presenting at JavaOne SFO 2013 (fingers crossed).

Stay tuned for our events and if you live in Cali-Colombia, come to our meetings and become a member of our great community!

see ya

Monday, May 20, 2013

ADF Essentials talk and Packt Giveaway

Hello all. Next Saturday (25-May-2013) I'll be speaking about ADF Essentials at the Cali (CLO) Java User Group in Colombia. It's a great opportunity to meet the framework and watch it in action.

I'll be running a giveaway that day. Packt Publishing is sponsoring 3 e-copies of the Oracle ADF 11gR2 Development Beginner's Guide. This is a great resource and a must if you are starting in the ADF world. 

Here is what you need to do in order to enter the giveaway:

  1. Follow me on twitter: @aa_lopez
  2. Write a comment on this post explaining why you want to win a copy.
  3. Attend, in person, to my talk at CLOJUG on May 25th 2013 (RSVP required).

I'll be announcing the 3 winners during the session. Meeting the steps above is mandatory and originality in the comment is a plus.

For more information about the e-book: 

For more information about the Cali (CLO) Java User Group:

For more information about my talk:

see ya!

Monday, May 6, 2013

ADF Essentials: Logger level

Hello all.  Here is a small tip that can help you when debugging your ADF Essentials applications. Turns out that when you run your ViewController project, you get some messages on the console panel as shown in the following picture:

However, some times you need more information about what the framework is doing in order to solve bugs, improve performance or just debugging. In order to get detailed information, follow these steps:

1. Go to the ViewController project Project properties option:

2. A dialog pops up, select, on the left, the category Run/Debug/Profile, select the Default configuration (or the configuration you use to run the application) and click on the Edit button:

3. Another dialog pops up, pay attention to the Java Options text box, the options you enter here are going to be used by the JVM once the application is running:

4. Enter the following options in the Java Options text box:

-Djbo.debugoutput=console -Djbo.adflogger.level=FINE

5. At the end, you should end with something like this:

Press the OK button and the next time you run your application, the console panel will show a lot more information,  you can even see the queries that are being executed:

OK, that's it for this post, hopefully, with this configuration you will find more information that will let you fix your bugs or improve the performance of your application.

see ya!